Comprehensive Dental Examination


Comprehensive Dental Examination

To ensure complete and comprehensive dental care, we offer in-depth dental examinations using various refined methods to get to the root of any issues you may be having quickly and efficiently. 

Our Services

If you are in any pain or discomfort, one of our resident professionals will begin by performing a thorough examination to reach an accurate diagnosis as quickly as possible. A dental examination will include a closer inspection of the oral soft tissues (tongue, cheeks, lips, and gums) and the mucosa within the mouth. We will also take the time to intricately examine the condition of the teeth and bone levels. Depending on the situation, symptoms may go beyond the oral cavity; hence, we may examine the head, neck, and temporomandibular joint (connecting the jawbone to the skull, commonly referred to as the TMJ).

X-Rays and Intraoral Cameras
We also offer effective technological solutions for a complete picture that may help uncover problems missed by the human eye.
Dental X-rays capture images of the interior of the teeth and gums using low levels of radiation. This transparent view of the teeth may help us identify and treat problems such as cavities and tooth decay that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Early treatment is usually simpler and can eliminate the need for much more complicated treatments in future.
We may also utilize our state-of-the-art intraoral cameras to view a better perspective of the teeth and gums. These tiny digital cameras can capture images of parts of the mouth that would otherwise be very difficult to see, allowing us to get a much closer look at specific areas. They also allow us the unique opportunity to show you exactly what is going on and educate you on your situation.

Oral Cancer Screenings
Many people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year, and early detection is critical for successful treatment. With this in mind, we perform regular screenings for oral cancer to detect the disease at a curable stage. An oral cancer screening involves a simple mouth examination during routine visits, looking for any swelling, bumps, or other abnormalities.
In the unlikely case that we reach a cancer diagnosis, we will perform a biopsy where we deem it necessary.  


When you decide to come for a comprehensive dental examination, there are four distinct stages to the procedure. Here’s what you can expect:

Patient Interview
The first stage of the process is a quick patient interview. We will use this to better understand the trouble you may be having and decide on the best course of action.

Disease Screening
You will then undergo a routine disease screening to catch serious conditions as early as possible, vital for successful treatment.

Oral Examination and Cleaning
Following this, we will continue with a more comprehensive examination of the oral cavity. This will help to identify developing situations that require further attention. Throughout the examination, you will also receive a thorough dental cleaning.

Diagnostic Exams
If we have identified any issues during your examination that require investigation, we will then perform further diagnostic exams to determine the best treatment method.
With this in mind, we perform regular screenings for oral cancer to detect the disease at a curable stage. An oral cancer screening involves a simple mouth examination during routine visits, looking for any swelling, bumps, or other abnormalities.
In the unlikely case that we reach a cancer diagnosis, we will perform a biopsy where we deem it necessary. 

Your Comfort is Our Priority

Our Vancouver dental team makes your comfort as the first priority at all times

High Standard of Care

We adhere to a high standard of care to ensure our patients get the proper treatment and care

All Smiles Services

Update text All Smiles offers all kinds of dental services both for kids and adults. Check our other dental services below

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